Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy Winchester

Shockwave Therapy is a safe, non-invasive treatment, most commonly used for treating tendon related injuries. If you are looking to accelerate rehab, then look no further, this evidence-based modality has proven benefits in treating inflamed tendons such as achilles tendinopathy, tennis elbow and now with emerging evidence, we are treating runners successfully when it comes to shin splints or clinically referred to as, Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome.


The shockwave device we use in our clinic is supplied by industry leading manufacturer, Storz. With attention to detail, Storz has been proven to provide quality results including a reduction in pain, stimulation of tissue repair and cell growth, formation of new blood cells to accelerate tissue regeneration, and stimulate collagen production to assist in strengthening the tendon structure.


We pride ourselves on accelerated, successful rehab and often look beyond just pain relief. We are always looking at the long-term adaptations required for sustained pain-relief and high-level function, therefore we complement shockwave therapy with a strength-based rehab programme.


Shockwave is covered by Private Medical Insurance companies. However, we do offer this treatment for those looking to self-fund, from single sessions to packages of 3 or 6 treatments. Research suggests that clients require 6 weekly sessions in order to see a significant physiological response, however your physiotherapist will devise a specific programme based on your needs.