Back Pain

Back Pain
Acute or chronic, back pain can compromise your activities of daily living, ability to do the things you love doing, and even simply affect your sleep and/or capacity to work.
The prevalence of those suffering back pain in the UK is increasing each year and therefore, our assessment ensures we examine the cause and not just symptoms. Treating back pain is far more effective when it considers prevention, rather than cure.
We deliver a multi-factorial approach to back pain, including:
- Hands-on Treatment. We understand those coming for treatment desire an immediate change in pain, and therefore we always deliver soft tissue therapy, acupuncture and dry needling, joint mobilisations and manipulations. However, we always ensure this is coupled with exercise prescription, which evidence suggests yields better long-term change.
- Exercise Prescription. A graded exposure to exercise suggests short and long-term change in your symptoms. Although not exhaustive, simple mobility, core stability and general exercise-based rehab, is often necessary to drive continued change outside the clinic.
- Education. Understanding the diagnosis, cause, and treatment required is powerful when it comes to prognosis. Our team will always deliver the results in simple verbal and written feedback… we think this is helpful and is important to your recovery.
- Expert Opinion. When required, we liaise with our consultant colleagues, who are experts in spinal related conditions. If you present atypical, we will refer you on for imagery to confirm diagnosis and assist with onward management of your condition.